Airbrush Motif 170 - Step 4 |
You need the airbrush pistol with 0.3 mm nozzle and the water soluble airbrush colour in blue |
Adjust the pressure of the air compressor on 1.5 bar. | |  |
Note: Use a respirator and pay attention that your workplace is enough ventilated. | |  |
Use the airbrush pistol with the 0.3 mm nozzle. Fill into the paint cup two drops of the water soluble airbrush colour in blue. The distance of the nozzle to the fingernail should be 2 or 3 cm, as right in the picture shown. | |  |
Pull the operating lever 3/4 back when spraying to regulate the colour. Press at the same moment the operating lever half down to regulate the air flow (double action principle), as right shown. | |  |
Start with the movement when spraying somewhat beside the fingernail. Spray the colour on the fingernail tip, as right in the pictures shown. | |  |
The result should correspond approximately to the picture on the right side. | |  |
Note: Before you continue with step 5, wait until the sprayed airbrush colour on the fingernail is dried. |