Airbrush Motive 010 - Step 7 |
You need the airbrush pistol with 0.4 mm nozzle and the water soluble airbrush colour in white |
Adjust the pressure of the air compressor on 1.5 bar. | | |
Note:Use a respirator and pay attention that your workplace is enough ventilated. | | |
Use the airbrush pistol with the 0.4 mm nozzle. Fill into the paint cup a drop of the water soluble airbrush colour in white. The distance of the nozzle to the fingernail should be 4 or 5 cm, as right in the picture shown. | | |
Pull the operating lever 3/4 back when spraying to regulate the colour. Press at the same moment the operating lever half down to regulate the air flow (double action principle), as right shown. | | |
Start with the movement when spraying somewhat beside the fingernail. Move the airbrush pistol over the template with the star motive steady-going from the left to the right side and from the right to the left side. | | |
The result should correspond approximately to the picture on the right side. | | |
Note:Before you continue with step 8, wait until the sprayed airbrush colour on the fingernail is dried. |